Python script to generate filename suffix

The Filename Time Suffix generator is a simple Python program with a Tkinter GUI that generates a number sequence based on the current date and time. I’m planning to modify the script to append automated file names for snapshots and version control applications with files.

The sequence is displayed in a large Label widget, and a “Generate Sequence” button is provided to generate a new sequence. A “Copy to Clipboard” button is also provided to copy the generated sequence to the clipboard. When the button is clicked, the sequence is copied to the clipboard using the pyperclip module, and a “Copied!” message is displayed in a small Label widget below the “Copy to Clipboard” button.

Tkinter Window

The program is designed to be simple and user-friendly, with large buttons and easy-to-read labels. It provides a convenient way for users to generate and copy number sequences to the clipboard, without having to remember or type out long sequences of numbers themselves.

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